Suddenly I found myself back in touch with family members who I thought had scattered like a string of beads across the world. Especially my Uncle Joe who I thought had vanished to Australia, and had never realised he had returned here many years ago.
My Uncle Joe and Aunt Rosemary both expressed suprise at all the many adventures I have had since we last met, and at all the many exciting things I do in my life.
This brought me to musing on my Grandmother, Dorothy Margret Kidd, pictured here sailing on the Kiddbrooke at Brooklands in 1898.
The reason for my adventurous life, full of exciting activities, is that Granny inspired me with her own adventures. She early on became my hero and role model after I read her books "A String of Beads" and "When That I Was" by Dorothy McCall (nee: Kidd). The tale that really made her my hero early on was that of her mountaineering in the Alps about the same year this photo was taken. She went climbing mountains in full victorian dress. This to me was the ultimate in conquering the prevailing social restrictions upon women wanting adventure.
To me Granny broke the mould and showed the way. She made me realise that I could have as many adventures in my life as I wanted.
What a great story, Helen. Thank you for sharing it :)